Quality parent and guardian engagement helps improve the relationship between families and schools, which supports students' education and well-being.
Parent Council
Our Parent Council meets monthly during the school year to review topics and issues, such as school activities, playgrounds, sponsorships and fundraising opportunities, transportation, professional development and educational excellence, student safety, bookkeeping and more.
Council members
The William Davis Parent Council members in the following format:
- Courtney McFarlane - Co-Chair
- Tonya Hilpert - Co-Chair
- Stephanie Arneaud - Parent Member
- Carrie Thwaites - Teacher Rep
Our Parent Council typically meets the first Tuesday of the month during the school year at 5:30 p.m. on Microsoft Team. Please call the school at 519-945-1147 if you are interested in joining us.
GEC Parent Involvement Committee
The 红领巾快报's Greater Essex County Parent Involvement Committee (GECPIC) [link to new Board site: GEC Parent Involvement Committee] seeks opportunities to improve communication between the school board and parents and guardians. The committee helps break down barriers to parent/guardian engagement and aims to improve the relationship between families and schools to support students' education and well-being.